Archaeological Tour South-West Turkey 2.Аспендос

a Аспендос:История<br /><br />Согласно легенде, город был основан прорицателем Мопсом после Троянской войны. Во избежание набегов

Согласно легенде, город был основан прорицателем Мопсом после Троянской войны. Во избежание набегов с моря, город был построен в 16 км от берега моря. Входил в состав Ликии, Персов, Афинского морского союза.

В 333 г. до н.э., перешёл от персов к Александру Македонскому. Затем город был под властью Селевкидов, Пергама, и наконец с II в. до н. э. — римлян. В римский период город достиг наивысшего расцвета, и был в числе 3-х крупных городов Памфилии. Мягкий климат и удобное местоположение способствовали быстрому развитию города и превращению его в один из крупнейших торговых центров. На берегах реки Эвримедон (англ. Eurymedon) был создан порт, а в окрестностях разбили оливковые сады и виноградники. Знаменитейший портовый и торговый город занимался торговлей зерном, украшениями, вином и лошадьми. Скакуны Аспенда были лучшими во всем античном мире. В городе чеканили свою собственную серебряную монету.

В последующие столетия, уже во времена Византийской империи город пришёл в упадок. В VII в. к этому способствовали набеги арабов.

В нач. XIII в. город был завоёван сельджуками, и в последующем прекратил своё существование.

Aspendus was an ancient city in Pamphylia, Asia Minor, located about 25 miles (40 km) east of the modern city of Antalya, Turkey. It was situated on the Eurymedon River about 10 miles (16 km) inland from the Mediterranean Sea; it shared a border with, and was hostile to, Side.[2] According to later tradition, the (originally non-Greek) city was founded around 1000 B.C. by Greeks who may have come from Argos. The wide range of its coinage throughout the ancient world indicates that, in the 5th century B.C., Aspendus had become the most important city in Pamphylia. At that time the Eurymedon River was navigable as far as Aspendus, and the city derived great wealth from a trade in salt, oil, and wool.

In 333 B.C. Aspendus paid Alexander the Great a levy to avoid being garrisoned, but it ignored its agreements with him and later was occupied[citation needed]. In 190 B.C. the city surrendered to the Romans, who later pillaged it of its artistic treasures[citation needed]. Toward the end of the Roman period the city began a decline that continued throughout Byzantine times.Roman structures

Aspendos is known for having the best-preserved theatre of antiquity. With a diametre of 96 metres (315 ft), the theatre provided seating for 7,000.[3]

The theatre was built in 155[3] by the Greek architect Zenon, a native of the city, during the rule of Marcus Aurelius. It was periodically repaired by the Seljuks, who used it as a caravansary, and in the 13th century the stage building was converted into a palace by the Seljuqs of Rum.[4]

In order to keep with Hellenistic traditions, a small part of the theatre was built so that it leaned against the hill where the Citadel (Acropolis) stood, while the remainder was built on vaulted arches. The high stage served to seemingly isolate the audience from the rest of the world. The scaenae frons or backdrop, has remained intact. The 8.1 metre (27 ft) sloping reflective wooden ceiling over the stage has been lost over time. Post holes for 58 masts are found in the upper level of the theatre. These masts supported a velarium or awning that could be pulled over the audience to provide shade.[3]

Until recently the theatre was still in use for concerts, festivals and events. Due to some damage caused by fitting modern theatrical equipment during these events the Turkish authorities have suspended further shows. A new modern facility known as Aspendos Arena has been constructed nearby to continue the tradition of open air theatre in Aspendos.

Nearby stand the remains of a basilica, agora, nymphaeum and 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) of a Roman aqueduct. The Roman Eurymedon Bridge, reconstructed in the 13th century, is also in the vicinity.
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